Critical Labs currently supports SSO via SAML2.0. Both identity provider (IDP) initiated and service provider (SP) initiated login are supported. For SP initiated login, a self-signed certificate must be generated by the Critical Labs staff.

SSO can be setup by going to the Settings page from the top right menu and clicking on the SSO tab.

The fastest way to setup SAML is to use XML metadata. Critical Labs can import the metadata from your IDP and can generate its own metadata. This will autopopulate the fields in the form, allowing you to setup SSO in just a few clicks.

Once SAML has been setup, it's a good idea to test login. If you are using IDP initiated login only, then you will need to login to your IDP and access Critical Labs from the link in your IDP.

If you are using SP initiated login, then you can go to the login link provided by Critical Labs and attempt to login.